6.5.9 Printer


The printing object is primarily suitable for print out or screenshots saving when connected to micro printer.

Printer has two types: serial printer and USB printer. Printf (printext function) should be called when it’s used to print fixed message in a script.

Printer protocol

HMI provides printer protocol to users as below. If users want to connect printer to HMI, protocol is necessary.


1) Display settings

Direction: Four direction choices in printing: 0, 90, 180, and 270.

Zoom in: Check [Zoom in] to zoom printing content in proportion with paper size.

2) Trigger mode

Trigger address: When trigger address turns ON. Printer starts to respond operation.

Printer\ Save: It sets operation for this object, printer object can support sending printing command to printer device, and including screenshot;

3) Save path:

Valid when the save mode is selected, screenshot the content in printing object area and the save it in specified storage and folder, when trigger address turns ON.

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