6.3.5 File list


[File list] displays recipe files in [Flash], and also shows custom folder information;


1) Function (Recipe File)

File type: [Recipe File] is for display recipe files in Flash;

Folder name: This is located to recipe function setting;

Select line: Set address for select row,

For example, set 40,

if 40=1, the first row of object is selected;

If 40=2, the second row of object is selected;


If 40=10, the 10th row of object is selected;

Folder name address: This is for setting recipe file name, in advance recipe mode;

2) Function (Custom folder)

File type: [Custom folder] means this object displays files under the specified path;

Root: It means storage; there are three options, [Flash], [Udisk] and [SDcard];

Folder: Set folder name, such as recipe;

Select line: Set address for select row,

For example, set 40,

if 40=1, the first row of object is selected;

If 40=2, the second row of object is selected;


If 40=10, the 10th row of object is selected;

Folder name address: This is for setting recipe file name, in advance recipe mode;

3) Use function address (20 words)

Function address includes copy, past, delete and rename. And HMI automatically assigns the functions to bit addresses.

For example, function address is HDW 90, the detailed information as below:


When all configurations are completed, when the HMI is running, it displays object displays as shown below.

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