11.17 Omron NX Ethernet/IP

Supported series: Omron NX series

HMI Setting


1) In Sysmac Studio, please select [Publish Only] for [Network Publish] when setting address tag.

2) When [Do not publish] is selected for a tag, different import methods may lead to different results. When import tags by [Get Tags from Device], the tag will be eliminated. If [Import tags] is selected, the tags will be imported, but the communication will not succeed.

Export labels from Sysmac Studio

1) Launch Sysmac Studio, under Global Variables create the address labels, and then select [Tools] -> [Export Global Variables];

2) Launch PIStudio, in [Communication] Settings add Omron NX Ethernet/IP;

3) Click [Label manage];

4) Click [Import labels] and then select the file exported in step 1;

5) The Import Status field shows the result, click [OK] to finish importing address labels;

Communication settings

5) Enable HMI Ethernet in [Project Settings];

6) Set PLC IP in [Device IP] settings;

Communication cable

Last updated