6.1.8 Slider Switch


Slide switch is a special switch object. By changing the position of the slider, the corresponding address value would be changed. At the same time, the slider position will change according to the address value.


1) Attributes:

Write address: The address needs to be written and monitored

Data format: Support 16-bit signed / unsigned decimal number, 32-bit signed / unsigned decimal number, floating number is not supported.

2) Scale range:

Upper/lower limit: The range of data that can be manipulated by the slider. The value is scaled according to the decimal place of the data format.

Variable range: When this function is checked, the value of the filling address will be used as the upper and lower limits of the scale.

Display upper/lower limit: When this function is checked, the upper and lower limit data will be displayed in the slide switch.

3) Function:

Direction: The slide switch provides four directions: from top to bottom, bottom to top, left to right, and right to left.

Min. scale: The minimum scale unit when the slider is moved. The value is scaled according to the format. (Need to drag to move)

Scroll value: The smallest unit of scale when the slider is moved. This value is scaled according to the format. (Need to drag to move)

Write address: Display current value: Show the current value of the device address above the slider

Write immediately : Write the value of the slide switch during the sliding process to the device address in real time

Alarm value: input the alarm value

Alarm color : When “Alarm color” is ticked off, and the value of the device address reaches "Alarm value", the foreground color of the slide switch will be displayed as a warning color.


Setting the number of decimal place will scale the data range in the data format and it is valid for all kind data formats

4) Slide rail

Border color: Tick off to display the border color

Foreground color: The color of the slide rail where the slider slides over. If not checked, the color will be displayed transparently

Background color: The color of the slide rail where the slider does not slide over. If it is not checked, it will be displayed transparently.

Height: slide rail height

Shape: Set the style (right or rounded angle) of the rails

5) Slider

Color: Tick off to display the slider color, otherwise it is displayed transparently.

Shape: Set the slider style (square or circle).

When circle is selected, need to set the diameter of the slider.

When square is selected, need to set the height and width of the slider.

The width, height and diameter of the slide rail and slider are displayed as a percentage relative to the height of the object.

a) When the slide rail is displayed horizontally:

  • The height of the slide rail is displayed as a percentage of the height of the object;

  • The diameter of the circular slider is displayed as a percentage of the height of the object, and it is recommended that the diameter of the slider be greater than or equal to 2 times the height of the slide rail;

  • The width and height of the square slider are displayed as a percentage of the height of the part, and it is recommended that the width of the slider should be greater than or equal to the height of the slide rail.

b) When the rails are displayed vertically:

  • The height of the slide rail is displayed as a percentage of the width of the part;

  • The diameter of the circular slider is displayed as a percentage of the width of the object, and it is recommended that the diameter of the slider should be greater than or equal to 2 times the width of the slide rail;

  • The width and height of the square slider are displayed as a percentage of the width of the object, and it is recommended that the width of the slider should be greater than or equal to the width of the slide rail.

6) Preview

Display the setting result of slider switch.

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