11.20 SHIMADEN SR90 protocol

Supported series: SHIMADEN SR90 series

HMI setting

Address list


1) The upper 2 bits of the address of HMIs are taken as the sub address, and the real address is the last four bits (for example, if the address is 100256, then 10 is the sub address as 1, and 0256 is the real address);

2) The address range in the table is only divided by the start and end addresses, and some of the addresses in the range have no corresponding address in SR90;

3) The Ctrl register is used to store the control group number and BCC check mode. See how to use it below;

Ctrl register description

1) The Ctrl register is a special register that does not communicate with the temperature controller. User needs to assign value in the screen according to the settings as in the temperature controller.

2) Ctrl0 indicates the setting of the control character, the valid values are 1, 2, 3 respectively, and the corresponding control group is: STX_ETX_CR , STX_ETX_CR LF and @_:_CR .

3) Ctrl1 indicates the BCC block check mode. The valid value range is 1-4. The corresponding check mode is: 1.ADD, 2.ADD_two's cmp, 3.XOR, 4.None;

4) Ctrl3 reserved


After reloading the HMI project or restarting the HMI, HMI will reset the value of ctrl0 and ctrl1 as 1, so user need to set these two values to make it the same as it in the temperature controller, then communication will be normal.

Cable wiring


COM3 is available in PI8000 series and advanced series

Last updated