10.3 Email


Wecon HMI can send email with information from fields to the specified email address as soon as the conditions is triggered, but email sending is basis of the network.

Email function settings

In the toolbar of the programming software, click [Library] -> [Mail] open email function setting screen.

Setting screen description as below

1) SMTP settings

Sender name: Fill the sender's name, case sensitive, the user could enter letters, numbers, maximum character length 32 allowed in it. Such as WECONSupport;

Email address: Fill in the sender's email address, case sensitive, maximum character length 32 allowed in it. Such as support@we-con.com.cn;

Password: Fill in the password or authorization code of the mailbox. If the server needs to set the authorization code, the authorization code needs to be used. If the authorization code is not used, the password is used. Please refer to the SMTP service in the mailbox for the authorization code information. It cases sensitive, maximum character length 32 allowed in password;

Confirm Password: Confirm the password or authorization code of the mailbox;

SMTP server: Please refer to the mailbox account settings, such as smtp.exmail.qq.com;

The port number: Please refer to the mailbox account settings, such as 465;

Note: gmail also needs to enable the [allow unsafe apps] option in the account, otherwise the mail will not be sent normally.

Encryption type: SSL is a security protocol that provides security and data integrity for network communications. It encrypts network connections at the transport layer; TLS (STARTTLS) upgrades connections to SSL instead of using a separate encrypted communication port;

2) Error message

Set the error message receiving address, the user could use the information to get the reasons of errors.

The error types in the mail function are divided into two types: custom rule error and server’s error.

Table 1 Custom rule error


Email settings are incorrect

Email account is incorrect

Email password could not include blank

the settings of SMTP server are incorrect

The range of SMTP server ports number should be integer, which is between 1 and 65535.

The type of encryption for SMTP is incorrect

The name of sender or email address setting is incorrect.

The names of Recipients or email address setting are incorrect.

The names of CC recipients or email address setting are incorrect.

The names of Secret delivery recipients or email address setting are incorrect.

Email topic could not be blank

Email content could not be blank

Total size of attachments should be below 25M

Attachment “xxxx” is nonexistent

Table 2 Server’s error


smtp-server: 554 DT: SPM

smtp-server: 550 RP: TRC

smtp-server: 550 Limitation of connecting counts

smtp-server: 535

smtp-server: 550 Error: content rejected

smtp-server: 451 Internal server error

smtp-server: 535 Invalid login user or password

smtp-server: 550 too many sending requests today

smtp-server: 452 Too many recipients received this hour.

smtp-server: 535 Error: authentication failed, system busy

could not connect: Connection timed out

Unexpected EOF on SMTP connection

could not initiate SSL/TLS connection

smtp-server: 530 Need to issue a STARTTLS command first.

could not resolve host

could not connect: Connection timed out

could not connect: Connection refused

smtp-server: 550 User not found: aaa.163.com

3) Manual trigger

It is for modifying the email sending settings when HMI is running; According to the set manual trigger address, the address is offset backward to get the address of the corresponding function (a total of 201 words). Take HDW100 as an example

Table 3




Sending trigger


It is used for triggering recipient groups, for example, HDW101.0 set ON, and the address in group 1 will be in recipient list.


It is used for triggering recipient groups, for example, HDW103.0 set ON, and the address in group 1 will be in CC list.


It is used for triggering recipient groups, for example, HDW105.0 set ON, and the address in group 1 will be in BCC list (Secret delivery).


The subject length is limited to 64 words. (If it exceeds, it will intercept 64 words of content)


The content length is limited to 128 words. (If it exceeds, it will intercept 128 words of content)


Whether to send an alarm record attachment (a file named AlarmDataFile.db)

Sending settings screen description


1) Email function is available in special HMI model, when you purchase HMI, please tell salesman or distributors whether you need email function.

2) The email sent manually is sent without priority (bit change, rising edge, falling edge, and the email triggered by the timing condition needs to be queued in the order of triggering. The maximum value is 100. If it is added, it will be discarded.)

3) In the rising edge trigger mode, if the HMI is sending an email, the trigger signal is invalid. Only after the email has been sent, a new email is generated and sent. Whether the mail is sent successfully or not, the bit address will be reset;

4) In manual mode, the email will only be sent once, whether the transmission was successful or failed.

Last updated